Tragically, suicide is the second leading cause of death for children and young adults ages 10-34, with 1 in 5 teens quietly suffering the ravages of anxiety and depression as a result of the stigma surrounding mental illness. We need your support to reverse these alarming statistics and shed light on this dark secret. When you give to the Living Legacy Circle, your donation allows us to provide equal access to information and resources that are proven to save lives!
50% of mental illness begins by age 14. Let’s help our youth at a time they need it most. With your monthly donation of $30 to the Living Legacy Circle, you will ensure we continue to deliver impactful presentations through our Educational Outreach Program and connect at-risk, underrepresented teens to much-needed mental health care through our Adolescent Mental Health Counseling Program.
As a result of our generous donors, we are able to provide these programs and services at no cost to the schools, organizations and families! However, the struggle is real and more prevalent than one could imagine. We need to reach more students, parents, and educators if we are going to reverse these alarming statistics. Your monthly donation of $30 will help us reach even more schools and communities in the Greater Philadelphia region and beyond. Your monthly donation will help us save lives!