What Are Mental Health Triggers?

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What Are Mental Health Triggers?

Many people wonder what depression really is, and more importantly, where it comes from. These questions are both very valid, and it’s important to talk about the answers.

If you’ve been following our previous blogs, you may know Dr. Ruby Barghini. She’s an Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry and Behavioral Science at Temple University. We spoke with her about where depression can come from, and what could possibly be considered a mental health trigger.

Does Depression Come Out of Nowhere?

Life can be scary, uncertain, and sometimes terribly sad. When suffering a loss, or dealing with intense stress, you’re much more likely to feel depressed because your emotional state has been hit pretty hard. As a teen, pressure to succeed or fit in at school can feel suffocating. Even social media can contribute to deteriorating someone’s happiness.

In short, depression really can come from anywhere. That’s why it can be hard to understand and identify, even for those who are going through a rough patch. Of course, as we mentioned before, mental health triggers can be a huge factor in causing a depressive episode.

So, What’s a “Trigger?”

For people who have depression, there doesn’t necessarily need to be a trigger. But, for someone experiencing their first depressive episode, there can be factors that start that first slump. Think of triggers as the match that sparks the fire.

Some triggers are unavoidable; after all, that’s just life! But learning how to identify depression can help you manage your mental health, and help you know when to ask for help.

Can Anyone Have Depression?

Sure, a depressive episode can come from a traumatic life event or a specific mental health trigger. But Dr. Barghini explains that there are other factors that can come into play.

“For the first depressive episode specific triggers can definitely be a factor, however with depression is it a combination of genetics and other biological issues going on. It’s not necessarily one aspect or another,” she says.

With that being said, there are some ways to help your mental state and avoid causing unnecessary stress on your system. Abusing any substance, whether it be drugs or alcohol, can put you at risk for depression. Choosing to avoid substances can help you keep your mental balance.

As a teen, there can be a lot of pressure on you to fit in and succeed at school. That stress can be mentally draining, and cause someone to feel broken. Remember that there are resources out there if you feel that you may be dealing with anxiety or depression.

The most important message to take home is that life can be hard, but the more you know, the better you can handle whatever it throws at you. Mental health triggers are everywhere! If you feel that you’re dealing with a lot of negative thoughts, always reach out to someone. That can be a friend or family member, or a mental health professional.

Michael’s Giving Hand is a resource for you at any time. You’re never alone, even in your darkest times!